About Us

In President Lincoln's 1863 Gettysburg Address, we are called upon to secure Liberty's "new birth". 1863leadership.org works to provide the leadership and ideas necessary to secure it. We asked ourselves a simple question. Why is freedom in retreat? After all, the justification for free market solutions should be easy. Liberty has an inherent advantage. It actually works. Unfortunately, the forces that benefit from the growth of government do not want to give up their profits. This is where 1863leadership.org works to be a difference maker. Most politicians today focus on low hanging fruit. Let’s face it, engagement, education and persuasion are hard work so most politicians don’t bother. It’s often easier for them to say what you want to hear than tell you the truth. At 1863leadership.org we commit ourselves to the truth, to the hard work of engagement, education and persuasion. We believe this is the only way we can solve our Nation’s biggest problems. 

  • Use Liberty to lift people out of poverty. Not trickle down but tangible rapid change
  • Balanced Budget Amendment & line item veto. Require balanced budgets at all levels of government
  • Using the free market to conserve resources and protect the environment 
  • Trade: free and open trade with free nations, less free and less open trade with non free nations
  • Foreign Policy/Military Force: when military is utilized it should always be overwhelming force with a clear mission to secure freedom and stay until accomplished, or don't go. No in betweens
  • Regulatory/tort reform: Return to presumption of innocence with broad rights to cure
  • Tax Reform: simple, broad, fair, with aggregate taxation capped as a % of GDP
  • Ban crony capitalism / corporate welfare at all levels of government 
  • Electoral & campaign finance reform  
  • Immigration Reform: Allow for the free movement of people

At 1863leadership.org we believe solving America’s most pressing issues requires not only holding our politicians accountable, but courage and leadership. The kind of courage and leadership demonstrated by America’s greatest President and called for in his greatest address. In that spirit, we believe, together, we can solve our greatest problems.  

Join us for a better America.